I am both impressed by the chops this idea has - and a little edgy and nervous - where were the great thinkers about dystopia and fascism on this? Orwell didn't have a smidge of love in the book, other than by cruel irony, the Ministry. Zamyatin (We) didn't touch on emotion, but rather reason. And Huxley? Don't remember him chatting about it.
And where was Freud, the Grandmaster of Love, when the Nazi's arose? This was all his stuff, they played in HIS stadium. I'll have to look up ol' Siggie, he may have shizzled on this.

And where was Freud, the Grandmaster of Love, when the Nazi's arose? This was all his stuff, they played in HIS stadium. I'll have to look up ol' Siggie, he may have shizzled on this.
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