I am strangely cheered by the Mogambo Guru's quote of our vice-President in his Mogambo Missive, "Spending Money to Make Ends Meet"
Those who are not experienced professional experimental fighter aircraft test-pilots, unlike me (you poor ground-hogs!), might not understand that Mr. Biden's speech is fraught with promise, bleakly glowering with the portents of success. For it is the stench of victory wafting from the Naugahyde™.
Among the complex and subtle maneuvers in test-pilot flying is "the flat spin." For those of you who have not enjoyed this experience, "a spin is an aggravated stall resulting in rotation about the center of gravity wherein the aircraft follows a downward corkscrew path." Traditionalists add the following, somewhat obvious piece of advice - "The idea of recovering from a spin is to make the aircraft fly again."
"(In a) flat spin,..... the plane spins on its belly around the normal axis. The empennage will feel very light and loose." I am unsure what the term "empennage" means; in context, it must mean "bowels." COMMANDER - I JUST EMPTIED MY EMPENNAGE!
One thing to remember during a flat spin - "if the center of lift force is ahead of the center of gravity on longitudinal axis, the real number components of the eigenvalues of the stability matrix exceed zero and the poles of the stability matrix migrate to the positive half of the complex number plane." Now, dammit - if that doesn't sound like economic analysis, I'll eat my Keynesian school notes.
The point is, our economy is in the econo-jock equivalent of a "flat spin." This is a much better maneuver than the "hi-angle-punch-in." (HAPI, pronounced "HAPPY") Almost all fighter pilots wind up six feet under the sod. The challenge is to avoid having this happen all at once, in the absence of a liturgical audience.
One helpful tip is during an unexpected aircraft "maneuver," look straight ahead and slightly upwards. Blue is good, green is bad. If you see a cloud of picnickers racing away like terrified wildebeest, identify a central spot from which they seem to flee. Avoid that spot.
There! I have given you enough aero-tips that you can be Fed Head or Treasury Secretary, assuming that there is a difference.
The most important point is, it's good to be in a flat spin - because that gives you more time than a high-angle punch-in. And if you turn your head to the left quickly, you might actually get the chance to kiss your ass good-bye.
WHEEE! This economy stuff is FUN!
PS: Author is reverse-engineering a pirated Malaysian computer game, "FRIGHT STIMULATOR" to turn it into an econometric Gameboy, "FED SIMULATOR!"

“Vice President Joe Biden told people attending an AARP town hall meeting that unless the Democrat-supported health care plan becomes law the nation will go bankrupt and that the only way to avoid that fate is for the government to spend more money.”
Mr. Biden, apparently aware that he sounded ridiculous, subsequently said, “Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” and he immediately admits, “The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.”
Those who are not experienced professional experimental fighter aircraft test-pilots, unlike me (you poor ground-hogs!), might not understand that Mr. Biden's speech is fraught with promise, bleakly glowering with the portents of success. For it is the stench of victory wafting from the Naugahyde™.
Among the complex and subtle maneuvers in test-pilot flying is "the flat spin." For those of you who have not enjoyed this experience, "a spin is an aggravated stall resulting in rotation about the center of gravity wherein the aircraft follows a downward corkscrew path." Traditionalists add the following, somewhat obvious piece of advice - "The idea of recovering from a spin is to make the aircraft fly again."
But "flying" is such a subjective term - is the aircraft not "flying," by definition, unless it is "on the ground?"
"(In a) flat spin,..... the plane spins on its belly around the normal axis. The empennage will feel very light and loose." I am unsure what the term "empennage" means; in context, it must mean "bowels." COMMANDER - I JUST EMPTIED MY EMPENNAGE!
One thing to remember during a flat spin - "if the center of lift force is ahead of the center of gravity on longitudinal axis, the real number components of the eigenvalues of the stability matrix exceed zero and the poles of the stability matrix migrate to the positive half of the complex number plane." Now, dammit - if that doesn't sound like economic analysis, I'll eat my Keynesian school notes.
The point is, our economy is in the econo-jock equivalent of a "flat spin." This is a much better maneuver than the "hi-angle-punch-in." (HAPI, pronounced "HAPPY") Almost all fighter pilots wind up six feet under the sod. The challenge is to avoid having this happen all at once, in the absence of a liturgical audience.
One helpful tip is during an unexpected aircraft "maneuver," look straight ahead and slightly upwards. Blue is good, green is bad. If you see a cloud of picnickers racing away like terrified wildebeest, identify a central spot from which they seem to flee. Avoid that spot.
There! I have given you enough aero-tips that you can be Fed Head or Treasury Secretary, assuming that there is a difference.
The most important point is, it's good to be in a flat spin - because that gives you more time than a high-angle punch-in. And if you turn your head to the left quickly, you might actually get the chance to kiss your ass good-bye.
WHEEE! This economy stuff is FUN!
PS: Author is reverse-engineering a pirated Malaysian computer game, "FRIGHT STIMULATOR" to turn it into an econometric Gameboy, "FED SIMULATOR!"
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