They are the oddest of fellows - these libertarians, and the anarchists, the minarchists. Has something gone wrong with their mental biochemistry, that makes them embrace such odd perspectives? Aren't these the sort of radical whackadoodles that Mother warned about?
One can easily forget, now that the public is offered uninterrupted strains of normative and abnormal behavior, all but with subtitles on how to behave - that how people think is exactly that and no more - how people think. We seem to allow whoever wishes to assert authority, the prerogative of confrontation - to demand a person demonstrate that their beliefs are conformist, benign, permissible. Queer beliefs, literally and figuratively, are permitted. but one must accept one's queerness - the ultimate arrogance shown in the Stonewall Riots, when Americans stood up and said - I am who I am, what of it to you?
I swipe several quotes from an essay Personal Choices Under Corporate-State Rule, written by a nutcase who renounced his US citizenship out of free will and sound mind - if that, by definition, is not a paradox:
What is wrong with these people?

One can easily forget, now that the public is offered uninterrupted strains of normative and abnormal behavior, all but with subtitles on how to behave - that how people think is exactly that and no more - how people think. We seem to allow whoever wishes to assert authority, the prerogative of confrontation - to demand a person demonstrate that their beliefs are conformist, benign, permissible. Queer beliefs, literally and figuratively, are permitted. but one must accept one's queerness - the ultimate arrogance shown in the Stonewall Riots, when Americans stood up and said - I am who I am, what of it to you?
I swipe several quotes from an essay Personal Choices Under Corporate-State Rule, written by a nutcase who renounced his US citizenship out of free will and sound mind - if that, by definition, is not a paradox:
- The State can only survive as long as a majority [of the citizenry] is mentally programmed to believe that theft is not wrong if it is called taxation or asset forfeiture or eminent domain, that assault and kidnapping is not wrong if it is called arrest, that mass murder is not wrong if it is called war. ~ Bill St. Clair
- It is time for people to understand that governments not only are not necessary, but are harmful and most highly immoral institutions, in which a self-respecting honest man cannot and must not take part, and the advantages of which he cannot and should not enjoy. ~ Leo Tolstoy
- He or she who supports a State organized in a military way – whether directly or indirectly – participates in sin. Each man takes part in the sin by contributing to the maintenance of the State by paying taxes. ~ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
What is wrong with these people?
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