The loathsome Teabaggers are at it again, pretending that clamans turbae is somehow an element of American government. Remember, the Crowd and its mind and manipulation was one of the stunning tools of Lenin and Hitler, indeed.
Simpering about in petulant premise that yowling pre-purchased slogans constitutes protest, they wander into Town Meetings and such, acting the faithful stooge the same as many Baby Boomers did, when they "protested" in a manner prescribed and underwritten by that leech upon the Left, the Soviets. Bought and paid for then, the signs pre-made for them, the phrases pre-packaged and sold, they pretended that they were acting independently - but as an interchangeable mob.
It is a horrible thing to see, when Americans consider being a stooge to be the summit of their capacity as citizens.
And nearly all the man, every one of them, would trade their protest over "healthcare" to become a functionary on a "neighborhood life panel," which will speak forth The People's Vote on the end-of-life decisions of its citizenry, ne'er mind the doctors or hospitals or family, We! Love! Life! and will spin out the mortal skein past Atropos' grim hand, for the wreck of brain-dead citizens, derelict of soul. It will be The People's Vote! Yes! That way, we keep Government Out Of Healthcare!
As essays before have shown, the Average American has become a herd animal - defined as he who gets nervous if not in full view of the ass-hole of the neighboring herdmate. Packed in to the center, that's the key, that's the safety; out on the edges, that's where the wolves can see you. Hardly the mind of patriots.
It is not necessary to speculate upon a puppetmaster; perhaps it is in the Mind of the Herd itself, the Group Consciousness.
"Controlling Grandma's Life!" HAW! The Great Depression II has only begun, and if Grand-Ma starves to death on a Plains hovel - as happened to thousands during the Dust Bowl - is that a better death? They chase moonbeams, and will not see what is plainly before them.
Such crowds offer the pretense of independence and spontaneity - but rather, they are most closely akin to the "All-Textile Workers' Spontaneous Demonstration of Support for Peasant Soviet Power!" Bullshit, that is.
Not even the bravery of the Light Brigade; more like a stampede of sheep herded by a clever dog.
You had me at "DUH!" When Americans chose stupidity over independent thought, that was the Cardinal Sin of a citizen. It should be our Official American Slogan. DUH.

Simpering about in petulant premise that yowling pre-purchased slogans constitutes protest, they wander into Town Meetings and such, acting the faithful stooge the same as many Baby Boomers did, when they "protested" in a manner prescribed and underwritten by that leech upon the Left, the Soviets. Bought and paid for then, the signs pre-made for them, the phrases pre-packaged and sold, they pretended that they were acting independently - but as an interchangeable mob.
It is a horrible thing to see, when Americans consider being a stooge to be the summit of their capacity as citizens.
And nearly all the man, every one of them, would trade their protest over "healthcare" to become a functionary on a "neighborhood life panel," which will speak forth The People's Vote on the end-of-life decisions of its citizenry, ne'er mind the doctors or hospitals or family, We! Love! Life! and will spin out the mortal skein past Atropos' grim hand, for the wreck of brain-dead citizens, derelict of soul. It will be The People's Vote! Yes! That way, we keep Government Out Of Healthcare!
As essays before have shown, the Average American has become a herd animal - defined as he who gets nervous if not in full view of the ass-hole of the neighboring herdmate. Packed in to the center, that's the key, that's the safety; out on the edges, that's where the wolves can see you. Hardly the mind of patriots.
It is not necessary to speculate upon a puppetmaster; perhaps it is in the Mind of the Herd itself, the Group Consciousness.
"Controlling Grandma's Life!" HAW! The Great Depression II has only begun, and if Grand-Ma starves to death on a Plains hovel - as happened to thousands during the Dust Bowl - is that a better death? They chase moonbeams, and will not see what is plainly before them.
Such crowds offer the pretense of independence and spontaneity - but rather, they are most closely akin to the "All-Textile Workers' Spontaneous Demonstration of Support for Peasant Soviet Power!" Bullshit, that is.
Not even the bravery of the Light Brigade; more like a stampede of sheep herded by a clever dog.
You had me at "DUH!" When Americans chose stupidity over independent thought, that was the Cardinal Sin of a citizen. It should be our Official American Slogan. DUH.
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