The longer I live, the more that the Little Rabbi amazes me, and that his words have persisted untouched throughout what we consider to be Western Civilization. If the Apocalypse comes, like Jefferson, I fear for my country. For about all we have done is pray to God that he punish and destroy his other children, which makes us no more honorable than Cain, nor virtuous than Kronos, Saturn in the pantheon of evil, painted below left in Goya's bleakest days of painting..
The little Rabbi over and over reminded us that there is nobody, there is nothing too small for His God. In fact, they are the ones most in need of Him, and precious to him.
I show a close-up of the American Girl who suffered. photographed by Dorothea Lange, and shown in the last post. If there is indeed a God, then He knows her name. Does he know the rest of us?
And who is our God - Christ, or Chronos?
The little Rabbi over and over reminded us that there is nobody, there is nothing too small for His God. In fact, they are the ones most in need of Him, and precious to him.
And who is our God - Christ, or Chronos?
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