Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chapter 7 The Pleading

In Balance

In our law, we hold that "It is the duty and responsibility of the Dine' to protect and preserve the beauty of the natural world for future generations."

"We do hear of what is known that is a secret of your visit. None of the men know it - only the Turquoise Girl.  She is different than so many bilga'ana; and she has spoken with some people here and impressed them with her sense."

"Do you know that you were followed down from the mountains of dawn by Náshdóítsoh - the - watcher?  Since you came down to Pagosa Springs, you have been guarded.  You have been watched over, and this is noticed."

Many bilga'ana bring wrong and evil in their wake.   Never have we seen Náshdóítsoh follow one.

"The girl has a purpose that we must join with.  We can put things right in a way that helps both our people.  The Elder Mothers wish to speak with her again."

Tseipei stood, the elder men stood, and began to walk towards the doorway.  They stopped, and turned to the men from the Zone, still seated.  "Come, come now!" an old man waved them along.  "Let's go."
The wait took hours and hours.  When Judy came out, she was wearing a small but beautiful turquoise pendant, set in finely wrought silver. A mountain lion was engraved into it.

"Sue Dill, they are calling me, in my protector name.  If you go anywhere in the Land, tell anyone that you go in the name of Sue Dill, and they will grant you passage and protection."

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